Publications Archive
SCS M&S Newsletter
The SCS M&S Newsletter is the monthly general interest publication of the society that is produced for the public. It presents various articles on topics related to M&S for the benefit of the entire community, whether they’re SCS members or not. Similar to the SCS M&S Magazine, the key element is a broad appeal and general information.
The SCS M&S Newsletter is currently not creating new issues. The most recent issue is from April/May 2018. To view past issues, please use the password: SCSMembers.
If you wish to be a part of the SCS M&S Newsletter or have any questions, please contact the SCS Office.

SCS M&S Magazine
The SCS M&S Magazine was published as a quarterly general interest publication of the society. From January 2010 to December 2014, we published articles that have an appeal to a major segment of the M&S community. The specific segment varied depending on the information content of a particular article, but the key element has been a broad appeal. All articles are archived under [ISSN:2168-7031] and can still be accessed from this website.
The SCS M&S Magazine does not accept any new submissions.
Conference Publications
Power Plant Sim Conference
Session 1
- L3HM-PPS22-Empowering Simulator Instructors with Next-Gen Tech (10-Jan-2022)
- SCS-2022 THOR Presentation
Session 2
- 1-GSE – Company Overview -SCS 2022
- ExpansioninStudsvikBorkowskiPPS2022 (1)
- L3HM-PPS22-Major Modernization of Legacy NPP Simulator (10-Jan-2022)
Session 3
- 1-GSE – Simulator Use in Steam Extraction – SCS 2022
- 2 Metroscope SCS Digital Twins for PP Diagnostic
- 4-GSE – Doing More with Simulators – SCS 2022
- 2022 PP Simulation Conference_HMH_Final1
- H.M. Hashemian Executive Profile
- NPP Paper_Jan2022
Session 4
- 1Three Nerd Monte
- 2Braidwood Software Engineer Analyst Turnover
- 3Palo_Verde_Knowledge_Transfer
Session 5
- 1-Poisson – Yokoclear
- 3Palo_Verde_Innovations
- ApplicationofIdeasClean
Session 6
- 2-St Lucie Travis ouret
- L3HM-PPS22-Simulating a Small Modular Molten Salt Reactor (11-Jan-2022)
Session 7
- 1-Poisson – Simulator Shutdown
- 2Xcel Energy Simulator Oversight Management
- 3Entergy Sim Staff Training
Session 8
- 1ANS-3 5 Presentation 2022 Rev0
- 2ANSI ANS -351
Session 9
- conference_train_2022
Session 10
- USUG-Oconee Door Access
2022 Power Plant Simulation Conference – Welcome2022 Power Plant Simulator Conference NRC Presentation
ANNSIM Conference
SimAUD Track
- A Novel Multi-Criteria Workflow Based on Reverse Solar Envelopes for the Design of Residential Clusters
- Optimization-Based Design Exploration of the Mutual Influence Between Building Massing and Facade Design
- Infomorphism Urban Planning for Renewable Energy Integration via Simulated Energy Exchange Networks
- A Novel Gan-Based Method for Building Surface Wind Pressure Prediction
- How the Urban Microclimate and Outdoor Thermal Comfort Can Affect Intra-City Mobility Patterns: Evidence From New York City
- Sketch to Build: An Intuitive Design Platform for Sustainable Housing Complexes
- Exploring Spatial Patterns in Sustainable Integrated Districts: A Methodology for Early-Phase Urban Network Analysis
Determining Critical Points to Control Electric Lighting to Meet Circadian Lighting Requirements and Minimize Energy Use - A Stochastic Approach to Simulate and Optimize the Coating Uniformity of Rotational Molding for Microalgae Facades
- Dynamic Subset Sensitivity Analysis for Design Exploration
- An Optimization Framework and Tool for Context-Sensitive Solar-Driven Design Using Cellular Automata (SDCA)
- Server-Based Mixed-Reality System for Multiple Devices to Visualize a Large Architectural Model and Simulations
- Building Envelope Object Detection Using YOLO Models
- Integrating Immersive Virtual Environment User Studies into Architectural Design Practice: A Preoccupancy User Study of Train Station Waiting Preferences with VREVAL
- Predicting Cooling Energy Demands of Adaptive Facades Using Artificial Neural Network
- Software Architecture for Integrating DEVS Simulation into BIM
- Shading Design for Outdoor Learning in Warm and Hot Climates Using Evolutionary Computation: A Case Study in Houston, TX
- Natural Ventilation in a Warming Climate: An Evaluation of Computational Simulation Methods and Metrics
- Capturing Facade Diversity in Urban Settings Using an Automated Window-to-Wall Ratio Extraction and Detection Workflow
- A Simulation-Based Approach to Mitigate Disease Transmission Risk from Aerosol Particles in Buildings
- Impact Assessment of Energy Conservation Measures on Building Energy Consumption, Carbon Emission, and Adaptation Cost Using Future Weather Data
- The Influence of COVID-Related Ventilation Rate Changes on the Energy Consumption and Infection Probability of the Buildings Underfloor and Overhead Air Distribution Systems
- Deep Sandscapes: Design Tool for Robotic Sand-Shaping with Gan-Based Heightmap Predictions
- An Urban Feasibility Study into Balancing Upfront Embodied Carbon Emissions Through Integrated Green Areas as Carbon Offsets
MSM Track
- Synthesizing Diagnostic Burn Images for Deep Learning Applications
- Implementation of a Dynamic and Extensible Mechanical Ventilator Model for Real-Time Physiological Simulation
- Time- and Frequency-Based Independent Evaluation of QRST Cancellation Techniques for Single-Lead Electrocardiograms During Atrial Fibrillation
- Interactive Hemodynamic Simulation Model of a Cross-Scale Cardiovascular System
- Multi-Modality Breast MRI Segmentation Using NNU-NET for Preoperative Planning of Robotic Surgery Navigation
- Extensive Simulation of Human-Robot Interaction for Critical Care Telemedicine
- Modeling Cardiac Cell Biophysics Using Long-Short-Term Memory Networks
- Simulation-Based Framework to Develop a Control System for Functional Electrical Stimulation
- Fall Detection Using Self-Supervised Pre-Training Model
- Context-Aware Security Modes for Medical Devices
- Integrative Physiology-Coupled Pilot-Centered Flight Simulation
- Fully Automated Conversion of Glioma Clinical MRI Scans into a 3D Virtual Reality Model for Presurgical Planning
- Software-Defined Optical Local Area Network Architecture and Priority Traffic Performance Analysis
- Incremental Text Clustering Algorithm for Cloud-Based Data Management in Scientific Research Papers
- Controller Area Network Discrete-Event System Specification for Independent Node Testing
- Distributed Resource Allocation in 5G Networks with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Enabling Collaborative Modeling Through a Web Library of DEVS Models
- Boolean Logical Operator Driven Selective Data Filtering for Large Datasets
- An IoT Based Smart Monitoring System Detecting Patient Falls
- Video Analytic Data Reduction Model for Fog Computing
HPC Track
- Model and Evaluation of a Superconducting-Logic Based Hybrid CPU-Accelerator System
- The Effects of Numerical Precision in Scientific Applications
MSCS Track
- LUUNU — Blockchain, MISP, Model Cards and Federated Learning Enabled Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform
- Adversarial Machine Learning Using Convolutional Neural Network with ImageNet
- Analysis of the Impact of Cyber Attack on Semiconductor Manufacturing Energy Quantification
TMS Track
- Data Assimilation for Simulation-Based Real-Time Prediction/Analysis
- ESS: EMF-Based Simulation Specification, a Domain-Specific Language for Model Validation Experiments
- A Quantized State Integrator with Second Order Errors Over Monotonic Segments
- Model and Simulation Scalability Traits for Interaction (Nexus) Modeling of Water and Energy Systems
- Geographical SEVIRD COVID-19 Model with Travel Restrictions
- Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Model Based Systems Engineering: Extending the FTG+PM
CPS Track
- Knowledge Structures Over Simulation Units
- A New Modeling Framework for Cyber-Physical and Human Systems
- Integration of the MAPE-K Loop in Digital Twins
- The Modular Design Evaluation Model: Support for Decision-Making in Cyber-Physical Systems Design
- A Digital Twin Based Approach for Ensuring Business
- Continuity Plan and Safe Return to Workplace
- Taxonomy, Tools, and a Framework for Combining Simulation Models with AI/ML Models
- Encoding Protest Duration in an Agent-Based Model as Characteristic Phase Transitions
- Toward a Movement Paradigm for Artificial Human Agents
- How Can We Provide Better Simulation-Based Policy Support?
- DEVS Model Construction as a Reinforcement Learning Problem
- Using Generative Adversarial Networks to Assist Synthetic Population Creation for Simulations
- Composing Modeling and Simulation with Machine Learning in Julia
ANSS Track
- Automated Generation of Patient Population for Discrete-Event Simulation Using Process Mining
- Automated Model Discovery for Steering Behavior Simulation
- On the Modeling of P2P Systems as Temporal Networks: A Case Study with Data Streaming
ET-SCM Track
- Supply Chain Simulation as a Service to Increase Adaptation Capability in Manufacturing
- A Simulation Framework for Studying Foreign Reliance on Regional Supply Chains at the Industry Level
- An MSaaS Platform for Business Process Modeling and Simulation
- Validation of EPSim – An Embedded Platform Simulator for Control-Embedded Co-Design
NaHoM Track
- A Comparison of Multiwavelets and Machine Learning Troubled Cell Detection in Modal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
- A Fast Direct Solver for Surface PDEs
- A High Accuracy/Resolution Spectral Element/Fourier-Galerkin Method for the Simulation of Shoaling Non-Linear Internal Waves and Turbulence in Long Domains with Variable Bathymetry
- A High-Order 3D Immersed Interface Method for Smooth Nonconvex Geometries
- A Performance Portable Implementation of SIMD Vector Intrinsics on High-Order, Entropy-Stable Spectral Collocation Schemes for Compressible Turbulent Flow
- Aspects of the Spectral-Element-Based Simulation of a Model Internal Swash Zone
- Asymptotic-Preserving IMEX-DG Methods for Linear Kinetic Transport Equation
- Connections Between the Entropy Projection and the Robustness of Entropy Stable DG Methods
- Construction of High-Dimensional Quadrature Rules Using Improved Node Elimination Algorithm
- Data-Driven Joint Inversions for PDE Models
- DGSEM Approximation of a Well-Posed Overset Grid Formulation for Hyperbolic Systems
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Rotating Bodies in Stable-Stratification Using Moving Nonconforming Schwarz-Spectral Element Method
- High-Order Implicit Shock Tracking
- High-Order Large Eddy Simulation and Low-Order Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations of a Ducted Wind Turbine
- High-Order Multiresolution Grid Adaptation on 3D Block-Structured Grids Using Wavelets
- Low-Order Tools for High-Order Finite Elements
- LSIAC-MRA: Enhanced Multi-Resolution Analysis via Line SIAC Post-Processors
- Matrix-Free Nonconforming Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on GPU Architectures with MFEM
- Mimetic Relaxation Runge Kutta Methods
- Modal Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for Three-Dimensional Electron Boltzmann Transport Equation Under Far-From-Equilibrium Conditions
- Multimaterial ALE Remap with Interface Sharpening Using High-Order Finite Elements
- Novel Numerical Approximation for the Caputo Derivative and Its Applications
- Numerical Methods on Solving Sea Ice Dynamics Model Based on a Viscous-Plastic Formulation
- Optimally Stable High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Multidimensional Linear Hyperbolic Systems
- Optimization, Adaptivity, and Surface Fitting of High-Order Meshes
- Quantifying the Effect of OWF Monopile on Vortex Induced-Mixing in a Stably Stratified Environment Using High-Fidelity Turbulence Simulations
- Scalable Interpolation on GPUs for Thermal Fluids Applications
- Sparse Global Spectral Methods for Curvilinear Domains with Dedalus
- Spectral Element Meshing for Packed Beds with Contacting Spheres
- Stability Criteria of the Advection Equation Using High Order Mimetic Runge Kutta Methods
- Stable Discretizations of Spectrally Convergent Radiation Boundary Conditions
- The Active Flux Method: Is Superconvergence Possible
- The Hermite-Taylor Correction Function Method for Maxwell’s Equations
ANNSIM ConferenceANNSIM 2021 Proceedings
If you have trouble viewing the proceedings, please switch to a different browser.
ICBGM Conference
- A Bond Graph Representation of the Sagittal Spine for Estimation of Ride Comfort
- Achieving Desired Modal Damping Ratios in Lumped Segment Continuous System Models
- Active Vibration Control of Two Flexible Link Underwater Manipulator
- Advanced Steering Stability Controls for Articulated Vehicles by Using Bond Graphs and Model Predictive Control
- Bond Graph Approach for Modelling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System
- Bond Graph Model of a Fighter Pilot’s Breathing Support System
- Bond Graph Model of a Power Regenerative Hydrostatic Transmission Dynamometer
- Bond Graph Modeling of a Planar Vehicle with Electric Traction Motors for Assisted Torque-Vectoring
- Bond Graph Modeling of Brake-by-Wire Actuators on a One-Wheel Vehicle Model
- Calculation of Torque and Drag on the Drill String in Directional Drilling Using a Bond Graph Approach
- C-Field Representation of Compliance in Lumped-Parameter Finite-Mode Representations of Continuous Systems with Multiple Force Inputs
- Comprehensive Dynamic Model of a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot Using the Bond Graph Approach
- Dynamic Linearization of a Synchronous Machine for Control a Bond Graph Approach
- Electric Torque Vectoring Driveline Technology Assessment via Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation
- Fatigue Failure Prognosis of an Oil Well Drill String Using a Lumped Segment Bond Graph Model and Finite Element Method
- Increasing Complexity Vehicle Models for Analyzing and Designing Automotive Control Systems
- Inertial Force Actuator Applications to Active Vehicle Suspensions
- Modeling and Simulation of Heavy Vehicles Air Brakes Applicable Laws of Physics
- Modeling Motion Sickness Using a Four-Wheel Vehicle Model Augmented with a Passenger Model
- Modeling Non-Backdriving Behavior in an Electromechanical Steering Actuator Using Bond Graphs
- Treating Multiphase Channelflow with Thermosim
Power Plant Sim ConferenceSession 1
- GSE Solutions New Strategic Initiatives
- Staying Afloat in a Changing Industry
Session 2
- Big Project Short Timeframe
- Keeping Your Simulator Current
- Ovation Update: Lessons Learned
Session 3
- Fukushima Daini Case Study
- Wolsong 3 Full Scope Simulator Conversion
Session 4
- Entergy Fleet Update
- Reflected Reality for Nuclear Power Applications
- EDF 1300 Simulators Fleet: Hardware Upgrading Project
Session 5
- Engineering Validation Using the Simulator
- Non-Operations Training Simulator Use
- Using Reactor Simulations to Improve Security Analysis
Session 6
- Knowledge Transfer and Retention in the D.C. Cook Simulator Group
- Modernization of the INL ATR Simulator
- How to Train Your Engineer
Session 7
- Clayton References for 2020 USUG Conference
- NRC Regulatory Perspective Update
- Regulatory Perspectives from Region 4
Session 8
- ANS-3.5 Presentation
- EDF Energy
- Methodology for Meeting Simulator Performance Testing
- Requirements of ANS-3.5
Session 9
- Major Simulator Upgrade for Dungeness B
- PPS 2020 TESIS+ Angra 2 Tecnatom
- SCS Cool Simulator Designs Case Studies
Session 10
- Recent Simulator Digital Control Upgrades
- Simulator Digital Controls Installation Methodologies
- Virtual Control Room
Session 11
- Non-Traditional Uses of the ANO Training Simulator
- SAE and the Barakah NPP Simulator Project
- Electrical Power Grid Simulators for NERC Compliance
Session 12
- ICCM Remote Display Replacement Project
- Monticello Tips and Tricks
- VAX Solution for ANO Plant Process Computer
- Simulator Test Operator Workshop
Spring Sim Conference
Spring Sim 2020 Proceedings
If you have trouble viewing the proceedings, please switch to a different browser.
Spring Sim 2020 ACM Proceedings
Summer Sim Conference
Summer Sim 2020 Proceedings
If you have trouble viewing the proceedings, please switch to a different browser.
Summer Sim 2020 ACM Proceedings
Power Plant Sim ConferenceWelcome
- Conference Welcome
- Conference NRC Perspectives
Monday (AM)
- Ovation Upgrade to the 7300 Systems at Braidwood
- Embalse Simulator for Training and Plant Life Extension
- Oconee Simulator Upgrade: Delivering a Challenging Project on Time and on Budget
- TRF Simulator Update
- Fleet Modernization Upgrade
Monday (PM)
- Southern Nuclear Second Simulators
- Dresden Full Core Display Replacement
- Combining Simulator Technologies and Engineering Applications
- Plant Modeling Made Easy
- Arkansas Nuclear One Simulator I/O Standardization Project
- Special Devices
Tuesday (AM)
- Plant Modification Variation Using the Plant-Referenced Simulator
- Autonomous Model Generation
- 25 Years Doing Simulation-Assisted Engineering (SAE)
- SBT Made Easy
- Simulator Report Systems
- Susquehanna Multimedia Upgrade
Tuesday (PM)
- Terry Turbine Expanded Operating Band
- Development of Terry Turbine Analytical Models for RCIC Off-Design Operation Conditions
- Progression of a Severe Accident Using the MELCOR Simulation Models
- Severe Accident Modeling and 3D Graphic Visualization
Wednesday (AM)
- American Nuclear Society
- Leveraging Glass Panel Simulation Usage
- New Classroom Inclusion of NLOs in Simulator Training
- Implementing a 4K Glass Panel Simulator
Wednesday (PM)
- Anecdotal Tips, Tricks, and Lessons
- Marengo Sparc
- Observations on Simulator Staffing
- Urgent Simulator Repairs
- Simulator Assumptions, the Path to the Dark Side, and Back to the Light
- We Energies Power Plant Simulator
Spring Sim Conference
Spring Sim 2019 ACM Proceedings
Summer Sim Conference
- Optimization-Driven Product Development to Support Digital Twin Creation on the Small UAV Case Study
- Towards Virtual Validation of Distributed Functions
- Cellular Discrete-Event Models for Social Systems
- A Configurable Gateway for DDS-HLA Interoperability
- Simulation-Supported Assessment of Qualification and Department Organization in Industrial Maintenance
- Optimizing Fault Injection in FMI Co-Simulation Through Sensitivity Partitioning
- A Self-Adaptive UAV Routing for Forest Fire Risk Mitigation: A Conceptual Model
- Requirements Modelling to Help Decision Makers to Efficiently Renovate Energy Systems of Urban Districts
- Towards a Non-Proprietary Modeling Language for Processing Network Simulation
- Large-Scale Traffic Simulation for Smart City Planning with MARS
- Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering Model-Based Solutions
- PDEVS Protocol Performance Prediction Using Activity Patterns with Finite Probabilistic DEVS
- Formalizing Distributed Self-Adaptive Systems Using High-Level Petri Nets
- Process Design Modeling with Extended Event Graphs
- Cross-Layer Behavioral Modeling and Simulation of E/E-Architectures Using PREEvision and Ptolemy II
- Adaptive Agents Modeling and Simulation in Artificial Financial Market
- A Hybrid Simulation Model for Optimal Color-Batching Resequencing in Paint Shop
- A Simulation Based Interaction Analysis of Automated Vehicles
- An Integrated Modeling, Simulation and Experimentation Environment in Python Based on SES/MB and DEVS
- Quasi-Potential Field: The Simulation of Motivation in Complex Physical Structures
- Edge Federation Simulator for Data Stream Analytics
- Towards a Standard Computational Representation for System Entity Structures
- Traffic Modeling and Simulation: A DEVS Library
- Characterizing Rollbacks in Parallel Optimistic Simulations
- Teaching Co-Simulation Basics Through Practice
- Using Agent-Based Modeling to Assess the Implications of Changing Liquidity Conditions
- Markov Chains Aggregation Using Discrete Event Optimization via Simulation
- Simulating and Executing Circuits Employing the Quantum Computing Paradigm
- Experiences in Using the SISO Space Reference FOM Standard
- Analytics and Visualization of Spatial Models as a Service
- Distributed Building Energy Simulation with the HLA
- Model-Based Technology Roadmapping: Potential and Challenges Ahead
- Modular Framework to Model Critical Events in Stroke Patients
- A Study on the Parallelization of Moeas to Predict the Patient’s Response to the Onabotulinumtoxina Treatment
- Multiple Drones Driven Hexagonally Partitioned Area Exploration: Simulation and Evaluation
- Rule Based Target Evaluation and Fire Doctrine
- Mesh Generation Based on the Parameterization of NURBS Surface That Can Be Used for Self-Organized Potential Based Shape Determination
- A Nominal/Inertial Delay Metamorphic Differential Simulator
- AATOM: An Agent-Based Airport Terminal Operations Model Simulator
- A Routing Algorithm Increasing the Transmission Availability in Smart Grids
- A Microservice-Based Approach for Fine-Grained Simulation in MSaaS Platforms
- Maintenance Policy Simulation for a Factored Partially Observable System
- Exploratory Dynamic Capacity Analysis of Defense Forces
- Adversarial Deep Learning for Energy Management in Buildings
- Limiting State Space Explosion of Model Checking Using Discrete Event Simulation: Combining DEVS and PROMELA
- On the Simulation of Smart Grid Environments
- Show Me Your Properties! The Potential of Property-Based Testing in Agent-Based Simulation
- Joint Detection and the AoA Estimation of Noncoherent Signals in Multi-Element Antennas
- Influence of the Trace Resolution and Length in the Cost Optimization Process in Cloud Computing
- Which Is Better for Learning: A Web-Based Educational Application or an Educational Game
- A Novel Energy Optimization Approach for Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Massive Internet of Things
- 3D Channel Modeling and Characterization for Hypersurface Empowered Indoor Environment at 60GHz Millimeter-Wave Band
- Research and Implementation of Efficient Parallel Processing of Big Data at TELBE User Facility
- Performance of Multi-Pair Two-Way Full-Duplex Massive MIMO Relay Systems with Direct Link
- Performance Evaluation of Frameworks for iBeacon-Based Localization Using Bluetooth Low Energy
- Influence of the Perceived Data Security, Credibility, Trust, and Confidence on the Usage Frequency of Internet Services and the Provision of Security Measures
- The Effect of Global and Local Influence Models on the Quality of Recommendations
Summer Sim 2019 ACM Proceedings
Power Plant Sim ConferenceNuclear Track
Monday (AM)
- Plant Modification Validation Using the Plant-Referenced Simulator
- Using a Commissioning Simulator to Secure Plant Schedule
- Nontraditional Simulator Use
- Simulator Phased vs Full Upgrade
- Simulator Oversight
Monday (PM)
- Electronic Visions, Inc.
- Plant Process Computer Virtualization
- Autoswitch: Smooth Transition from Standard Simulated Plant Operations to Severe Accident Conditions
- Getting Another 20 Years from Your Simulator Hardware
- Challenges of Modeling the Fukushima Event on a Full Scope Simulator
- Studsvik CMS5 and S3R Update
Tuesday (AM)
- Education on Nuclear Fundamentals with iPWR Basic Principle Simulator
- Containment Modeling Using MAAP
- Hope Creek Variable Frequency Drive
- Replacing the St. Lucie Simulator Reactor Core and NSSS Models
- Recent Salem Simulator Upgrades
- ANO 2 Service Water Upgrade and Mutual Exclusion
- RELAP5-HD for TH Upgrades
Tuesday (PM)
- 2018 SCS Excellence, DNP, and the Corporate View
- Wolf Creek Fire Protection Panel
- Instrument Obsolescence: Simple Solutions for Big Problems
- Modernizing the Instructor Station for 2018 and Beyond
- The Advancement of Simulator Models in the Age of “Technology”
- Diablo Canyon Simulator Upgrade Program and Balance of Plant Model Replacement
Wednesday (AM)
Control System Validation
Applications and Benefits of Engineering Simulators
New Tritium Removal Facility Simulation
Simulator Benefits Beyond Training: Engineering Activities Support
SNC SimulatorsWednesday (PM)
- New Reactor Information
- American Nuclear Society Presentation
Fossil Track
- Reload, Retune, Retest: “Refresh Your Simulator”
- NRG Petra Nova Success Story
- Duke Edwardsport IGCC Simulator
- Plant Watson Simulators
SimAUD Conference
Coming Soon
Spring Sim Conference
Spring Sim 2018 ACM Proceedings
Summer Sim Conference
Summer Sim 2018 ACM Proceedings
Power Plant Sim ConferenceNuclear Track
Monday (AM)
- Welcome and Introduction
- Power Plant Simulators – NRC Perspectives
- Brunswick Simulator Rehost and Model Upgrade
- From Rehost to I/O System Replacement: A Major Simulator Upgrade for the Krsko NPP
- NUMAC Simulation
- Trending Simulator Variables and Auto Generation of ICs
- Updating ICs to Implement Ovation Change
- 3D Printing
Monday (PM)
- Adding MAAP5 Severe Accident Simulation to the South Texas Project Simulator
- ANO Audio Video Upgrade
- ANO Audio Video Upgrades – Supplement
- Beaver Valley U2 and U3 Simulators I/O Replacement Project
- Developing a 3-Loop PWR and Severe Accident Simulator for the Japan Nuclear Regulatory Agency
- NB Power PLNGS Simulator Rehost and Model Upgrade
- The Challenge of Keeping Simulators Up to Date
Tuesday (AM)
- Determining a Course of Action for Aging UPS
- Minimizing Cyber Security Threats to the Simulator (January 17, 2017)
- Network Controls and Configuration
- Recent Salem Plant Events
- Recent Salem Simulator Upgrades
- Seabrook Simulator Platform Modernization and Upgrade
- Sizewell B Simulator Upgrade Augmented with New Learning Technologies (January 17, 2017)
Tuesday (PM)
- ANS-3.5 Update
- Exelon Simulator Software Management
- Procuring and Building 3 Full Scope Simulators at Southern Company
- Simulator Fidelity NRC White Finding
- 10 Tips for Simulator Software Configuration Management
- OPG Simulators at a Glance
- Simulator Validation and Verification
- Typical Simulator Change: HW SW
Wednesday (AM)
- A Statistical Method for Benchmarking Nuclear Reactor Plant Models
- Introducing Digital Controls on Legacy Simulators (January 18, 2017)
- Lowell Johnson – DAEC – Lean Life Cycle Management
- Perry DEHC Test Bed for Simulator In-Loop Testing
- Use of Arduino Hardware to Upgrade Obsolete Simulator Components
- Verification of Design Components
Wednesday (PM)
- Brunswick Hardware Replacement – BNP Glasstop Installation
- Brunswick Hardware Replacement – Foxboro Digital FW Control System Failure
- Brunswick Hardware Replacement – ThermoScientific SV100 Recorder Screen Replacement
- DCCOOK-Simulator Security
- How Not to Conduct a PEST
- Performance Testing Basics
- The Advancement of Simulator Models
- What Is a Healthy Simulator
- Xcel Energy Exam Security
Fossil Track
- Session 1 – Arnold, William
- Session 1 – Baldus, Matt
- Session 2 – Emmons, Kayla
- Session 2 – Garcia, Ivan
- Session 2 – Lekich, Alex
- Session 3 – Ashy, Oussama
- Session 3 – Finley, Erica (WUTAB Overview)
- Session 6 – Gil, Elena
- Session 6 – Talbot, William
- Session 7 – Baldus, Matt
- Session 7 – Foster, Fred
- Session 7 – ReACT Brochure
- Session 8 – McHugh, Robert (Paper)
- Session 8 – McHugh, Robert (Presentation)
SimAUD Conference
Spring Sim Conference
Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS)
- Forecasting Courses with Uncertain Student Demand: Proof of
- Sub-Problem Independence for Course Loading Optimization
- Modeling of a Human Driver for a Car Driving Simulator
- Simulating Market-Oriented Policy Interventions for
- Stimulating Antibiotics Development
- Distributed Simulation Using DDS and Cloud Computing
- DEVS Modelling and Simulation for Healthcare Process Application for Hospital Emergency Department
- Through the Virtual Barrier: Virtual Prototyping and Analysis with Model-Based Systems Engineering
- Visualization of Event Execution in a Discrete Event System
- A Framework for Modelling the Ripple Effect of Crowding at Public Transport Facilities
- MABSDairy: A Multiscale Agent Based Simulation of a Dairy Herd
- An Efficient Simulation Algorithm for Continuous-Time Agent-Based Linked Lives Models
- Modeling Real-Time Schedulers for Use in Simulations Through a Graphical Interface
- Exploring Simulation Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment with a Large-Scale Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model
- Modeling and Analysis of Multistage Failures of a System
- Towards the Design of an Interoperable Multi-Cloud Distributed Simulation System
- Development of a Simulation Model for Pedestrian Evacuation Under Fire Condition
- Bias Ex Silicio – Observations on Simulationist’s Regress
- Dynamics of Knowledge-Seeking Interactions in Organizational Networks
- Capturing the Security Effects of Network Segmentation via a Continuous-Time Markov Chain Model
- A Model for Use in the Prognosis of Tendinopathy
- Durable Solutions and Potential Protraction: The Syrian Refugee Case
Communications and Networking Symposium (CNS)
- Modeling and Simulation of User Mobility and Handover in LTE and Beyond Mobile Networks Using DEVS Formalism
- DEVS-Based Modeling of Cached and Segmented Video Download Algorithms in LTE-A Cellular Networks
Analytical Model of Hierarchical Cache Optimization in the Network with Unbalanced Traffic - Comparing Quantitative and Comment-Based Ratings for Recommending Open Educational Resources
- A Comparative Study on Content-Based Paper-to-Paper Recommendation Approaches in Scientific Literature
- Formal Modeling and Simulation to Analyze the Dynamics of Malware Propagation in Networks Using Cell-DEVS
- Procedurally Generated Environments for Simulating RSSI-Localization Applications
- The Spread of Wi-Fi Router Malware Revisited
- A Distributed Simulation Platform for Cloud Computing
- Generating Stochastic Data to Simulate a Twitter User
High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC)
- Matrix-Free Finite-Element Computations on Graphics Processors with Adaptively Refined Unstructured Meshes
- Efficient Algorithms for Assortative Edge Switch in Large Labeled Networks
- Comparing Allinea’s and Intel’s Performance Tools for HPC
- To Share or Not to Share: Comparing Burst Buffer Architectures
- A Framework for Unit Testing with Coarray Fortran
- Scaling Constituent Algorithms of a Trend and Change Detection Polyalgorithm
- Global Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization in a Service Oriented Architecture
- Implicant Based Solver for XOR Boolean Linear Systems
- Designing Large Hybrid Cache for Future HPC Systems
- Adaptive Particle Routing in Parallel/Distributed Particle Filters
- Improving the Performance of Optimistic Time Management Mechanism with Sub-State Saving
- Performance, Management, and Monitoring of 68 Node Raspberry PI 3 Education Cluster: Big Orange Bramble (BOB)
- Optimizing Energy Consumption in GPUs Through Feedback-Driven CTA Scheduling
- OpenFOAM on GPUs Using AMGX
- Pivoting Strategy for Fast Lu Decomposition of Sparse Block Matrices
- Fault Tolerant Variants of the Fine-Grained Parallel Incomplete Lu Factorization
- Evaluating Effects of Application Based and Automatic Energy Saving Strategies on NWChem
Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS/DEVS)
- Co-Simulation of Cyber Physical Systems with HMI for Human in the Loop Investigation
- PDEVS-Based Hybrid System Simulation Toolbox for MATLAB
- Time- and Space-Conscious Omniscient Debugging of Parallel DEVS
- Explicit Modelling and Synthesis of Debuggers for Hybrid Simulation Languages
- Automatic Parallelization of Multi-Rate FMI-Based Co-Simulation on Multi-Core
- A Taxonomy of Event Time Representations
- Hybrid System Modelling and Simulation with Dirac Deltas
- The Case for DEVS in Networking M&S: Upload User Collaboration in Mobile Networks Using Coordinated Multipoint
- Modeling and Verification of Network-on-Chip Using Constrained-DEVS
- The Experiment Model and Validity Frame in M&S
- Upgrade Campaign Simulation and Evaluation for Highly Available Systems
- Social Interaction in Pedestrian Evacuation: A Cellular Discrete Event Simulation Approach
- Restricting DEv-PROMELA with a Hierarchy of Simulation Formalisms
- A Modeling and Simulation Language for Biological Cells with Coupled Mechanical and Chemical Processes
- Chattering Avoidance in Hybrid Simulation Models: A Modular Approach Based on the HyFlow Formalism
- Modeling Cyber Effects in Cyber-Physical Systems with DEVS
- An Abstract Discrete-Event Simulator Considering Input with Uncertainty
- Formal Specification of Hypotheses for Assisting Computer Simulation Studies
- DEVSML 3.0 Stack: Rapid Deployment of DEVS Farm in Distributed Cloud Environment Using Microservices and Containers
Agent-Directed Simulation (ADS)
- An Output and 3D Visualization Concept for the MSaaS System MARS
- Modeling Through Model Transformation with MARS 2.0
- Aging Out of Crime: Exploring the Relationship Between Age and Crime with Agent Based Modeling
- Modeling Social Risk Amplification During Recall Crises
- Utilizing the Positive Impacts of Software Piracy in Monopoly Industries
- Mosquito Larval Habitat Model: A Complete Climate-Driven Approach
- Individual Strategic Behavior in a Team Formation Agent-Based Simulation
- An Agent-Based Model of Regional Food Supply Chain Disintermediation
- Agent-Based Model of Criminal Gang Formation
- Modeling within a Synthetic Environment the Complex Reality of Mass Migration
- A Theoretical Model of Identity Shift in Protracted Refugee Situations
- Social Network Interaction Quantification and Relationship Trend Analysis with Multi-Agent Systems
Modeling and Simulation of Complexity in Intelligent, Adaptive, and Autonomous Systems (MSCIAAS)
- Verification and Validation of Ethical Decision-Making in Autonomous Systems
- Integration of a Physical System, Machine Learning, Simulation, Validation and Control Systems Toward Symbiotic Model Engineering
- Detection and Classification of Emergent Behaviors Using Multi-Agent Simulation Framework
- Tackling the Complexity of Simulation Scenario Development in Aviation
- Emergence of Human Language: A DEVS-Based Systems Approach
- Investigating the Use of Real-Time Data in Nudging Patients’ Emergency Department (ED) Attendance Behavior
Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM)
- Identification of Motion-Based Action Potentials in Neural Bundles Using a Continuous Symbiotic System
- The Reference Model Estimates Medical Practice Improvement in Diabetic Populations
- A Simulation-Based Assessment System for Computer Assisted Surgical Trainer
- Towards Use of Electronic Health Records: Cancer Classification
- Augmented Reality Visual Guidance for Spatial Perception in the Computer Assisted Surgical Trainer
- Image-Based Object State Modeling of a Transfer Task in Simulated Surgical Training
- Safety-Assured Offline-Online Path Planning with Reduced Storage Requirements in Simulated Surgical Training
- A Comparison Study on the Effect of False Positive Reduction in Deep Learning Based Detection for Juxtapleural Lung Nodules: CNN vs DNN
- Composite Risk Modeling for Automated Threat Mitigation in Medical Devices
- Dream Sweet Dreams: A New Framework for Sleep Tracking and Body Change Prediction
Model-Driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (MOD4SIM)
- System Entity Structure and Model Base Framework in Model Based Engineering of Simulations for Technical Systems
- Semi-Automatic Parallelization of Simulations with Model Transformation Techniques
- OWL Ontology to Ecore Metamodel Transformation for Designing a Domain Specific Language to Develop Aviation Scenarios
- Deriving Architecture Design Variants for System Optimization from Design Space Descriptions Expressed Using a UML Profile
- An FUML Extension Simplifying Executable UML Models Implemented for A C++ Execution Engine
- Cyber Physical-Systems Based Model-Driven Development for Precision Agriculture
- SaVeSoC – Safety Aware Virtual Prototype Generation and Evaluation of a System on Chip
- Automated Development of Web-Based Modeling Services for MSaaS Platforms
- DEVS Specification for Modeling and Simulation of the UML Activities
- Fault Tolerant Sensing Model for Cyber-Physical Systems
- Reconfigurable and Updatable Product-Service Systems: The Path for Sustainability and Personalization
- Integrated Modeling and Simulation for Cyberphysical Systems: Extending Multi-Domain M&S to the Design Community
Spring Sim 2017 ACM Proceedings
Summer Sim Conference
Summer Sim 2017 ACM Proceedings
2004 to Present
SCS Conference Proceedings (via Curran’s Print on Demand Service)Simulation Ethics
Simulationist Code of Ethics_English (View PDF)
Simulationist Code of Ethics_Turkish (View PDF)
Simulationist Code of Ethics_French (View PDF)
Simulationist Code of Ethics_Italian (View PDF)
Chinese Code of Ethics (View PDF)
Bulgarian Code of Ethics (View PDF)
Ethics Committee of the SCS
Prof. Emeritus Tuncer I. Ören (Chair), Ethics AVP of the SCS, Founding Director of M&SNet (McLeod Modeling and Simulation Network of the SCS)
Dr. Bruce Fairchild, Immediate Past President of the SCS, Huntsville, AL, USA
Dr. Iva Smit, E&E Consultants, Netterden, The Netherlands
Prof. Miquel Angel Piera i Eroles, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainIf you are interested in more information or would like to add to this section, please contact SCS.